Light Up Your Beauty Routine: Discover the Magic of LUMECCA IPL Treatment

Photorejuvenation of a woman's face using intense pulsed light IPL with a beautician in a cosmetology salon for rosacea treatment, removing brown spots and vascular mesh

Lumecca IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a remarkable treatment that has garnered praise from beauty enthusiasts and skincare experts alike. This state-of-the-art technology is transforming the skincare landscape by providing a non-invasive remedy for a range of skin concerns. The innovative power of Lumecca IPL revolutionizes the beauty routine, delivering radiant and flawless skin without […]

Stanley katz, md

Medical Director/SP

Dr. Katz is a board certified Dermatologist that has been working in Dermatology for over 40 years. Dr. Katz has worked together with Nina to make iConcierge MedSpa compliant. He has reviewed all protocols and procedures to make sure all patients are getting the best possible care. Dr. Katz serves as iConcierge MedSpa’s Medical Director and Supervising Physician. Dr. Katz is from Bradenton/Sarasota area. He loves being in the Florida sun and fishing when he is not involved in research and medicine.
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